Energy Africa Conference 2021
Dr. Luka Powanga
Regis University
IBC is proud to have been a supporter of Energy Africa for many years. There is no cost to participate in this high-profile conference, and, since it has become a virtual event following the onset of Covid-19, we have been delighted to see the increase in the number of participants from 300 in-person to 1500 online. Now, participants have even greater access to connect with key decision-makers around the globe and regionally for the future of Africa. This is a wonderful occasion for increasing both knowledge and networks for energy development and investment in this region.
Africa has the lowest access to electricity in the world. In sub-Saharan Africa alone, 600 million people go without electricity. Yet, it has some of the fastest-growing economies, the youngest and fastest growing customer base, the highest migration from rural to urban centers, andthe fastest growing middle-class, with increasing demand for electronic devices and appliances, precipitating a significant need for electricity supply. In sub-Saharan Africa, electricity access stands at 26%, with the rural access rate at only 8%, with 85% of the population relying on biomass for energy.
Even more significantly, the electricity for power generation is staggering. For example, solar and wind can generate over 10 terawatts and 15 gigawatts, respectively, not to mention geothermal and hydroelectric power. A significant contributor to Africa's untapped energy resources is the gap between global investors and energy project developers. Investors worldwide face substantial difficulties accessing credible energy projects in Africa. In contrast, the energy project developers in Africa do not know how to connect with these investors, causing a massive gap in the investment flow.
This year's conference, under the theme "Unlocking Africa's Energy Investments' Potential," seeks to bridge this gap by focusing on how sponsors/project developers can develop fundable projects and attract investors to the African energy sectors.
Why Should you Attend?
This conference will connect you to the business opportunities and latest developments in the African Energy space. You will:
· Tap into a captive audience from all over the world, presenting investment and business expansion opportunities.
· Take a glimpse into new technologies in the energy fields from the United States and other countries for potential investments and partnerships.
· Connect to actual business projects in Africa.
· Talk directly to decision-makers.
What Should You Expect?
As a project developer/sponsor, you will be exposed to investors and know what you need to do to get your project funded and how to attract investors.
Who Should Attend?
Investors (equity and debt providers)
Technology solution providers
Energy Project Developers
This year, we have a pre-conference training program on November 10, 2021, for one hour 15 minutes,on the Fundamentals of PV Systems with Energy Storage.
The energy storage sector is developing quickly. With many battery-based inverter options, storage technology options, and utility interaction options, it may feel overwhelming to keep up with all of the industry developments. In this training, you will build a solid foundation of understanding of the solar and storage industry today. We will focus on describing what we can accomplish by integrating energy storage into PV systems. You will understand the most common system configurations and applications and how they may interact with the utility grid. Register quickly because space is limited.